Grey Street, James, Domino | Dave Matthews Band, Pat Metheny Group, Genesis |UNCLASSIFIED night tempo diagrams

Are these three songs best
a) at night;
b) during the day;
c) as night falls
d) depends​ on my mood?

declassified tempo- “One Sweet World” / Dave Matthews Band / live at night. Piedmont Park iTunes concert video version

I’m kinda just going on. It happened, but you always post with backups for that very reason, which is why I don’t have bitterness for internet companies.

The Speed Of Desire – Dave Matthews Band – Declassified tempo maps “#41” part two

According to Dave Matthews’ introduction of this song from a version recorded with Tim Reynolds at Luther College, “#41” was the “Forty-first single that was recorded by the Dave Matthews Band.”

What is similar about “Hey Jude” and McCartney/Lennon “Purple Rain” by Prince? – declassified tempo probability charts

Most of these charts were not intended to be classified when made. However, when WordPress and Google merged, in a true “you get what you pay for” move, one ate the other along with 20-20K images I had posted.  I didn’t take it personally.  It happened to way better websites than mine. Adam Levine carriesContinue reading “What is similar about “Hey Jude” and McCartney/Lennon “Purple Rain” by Prince? – declassified tempo probability charts”