Happy Birthday, Ringo Starr! Another Day In The Life Of Ringo, Giving Away His Secret Of His Sound

Happy birthday, Ringo Starr! “Ringo was my favorite Beatle” – Ray Charles, 2007 You are a source of inspiration for we drummers who don’t drink, married better wives than ourselves, yet have a lot of fun. This song was easier to measure than I thought it would be. I wish we could all get upContinue reading “Happy Birthday, Ringo Starr! Another Day In The Life Of Ringo, Giving Away His Secret Of His Sound”

Springsteen’s Best Live Recording? PROVE IT ALL NIGHT, Passaic, NJ – 1978

The most energetic song I ever heard live by the Boss, Bruce Springsteen was in 1978. The song PROVE IT ALL NIGHT begins with a long piano solo by the professor in a style that can only be called “Roy”. The band accelerates from there. Average speed=118.9 beats per minute average beat=504.6 milliseconds scale category=victoryContinue reading “Springsteen’s Best Live Recording? PROVE IT ALL NIGHT, Passaic, NJ – 1978”